Longer duration energy storage programme

STORE has been awarded £150,000 from BEIS for a Phase 1 longer duration energy storage programme project.

  • - Assess the feasibility of MPH systems connected to floating offshore wind plants in UK waters

    - Design, manufacture, install, and test a first-of-a-kind 5 MW MPH prototype system in the UK

    - Advance STORE’s commercialization plan to rapidly bring MPH to market

  • - A Feasibility Study Report describing system design, expected performance, cost, benefits/challenges, route to market, and greenhouse gas emissions reductions

    - Documentation of first-of-a-kind prototype system demonstration including design, manufacturing, installation, operations, and decommissioning

    - Sharing of project knowledge with stakeholders, including publication of an open access peer-reviewed study, conference presentations, a public-facing website, and social media marketing

  • - Efficient use of domestic low carbon concrete for energy storage, increasing the reliability of the electricity grid while reducing dependence on critical battery materials

    - Increasing the value of floating offshore wind by creating MPH / wind hybrid energy systems that provide firm fixed power while sharing electrical infrastructure and O&M costs.

    - Repurposing UK oil & gas sector expertise, port infrastructure, and supply chains to rapidly expand energy storage capacity and UK jobs